
松本 守祥


1989年日本アセアン投資(JAIC)入社以降、日本・米国・東南アジア・中国での投資部門にて現地パートナーとのグロースファンド、及びCVC(コーポレートベンチャーキャピタル)を運営。2007年シリコンバレーにて米国子会社CEO、2009年よりJAIC代表取締役社長、2012年取締役会長。 2002年以降プラベートエクイティポートフォリオ及びファンド出資持分への買収型投資(JSPF Fund Series )の執行総責任者(CIO)。2013年7月にWMパートナーズ株式会社を設立し代表取締役会長に就任(現任)。


[en_text]Mr. Matsumoto is Chairman and Managing Partner of WM Partners Inc. (WMP) Japan. Moriyoshi served as CEO and Chairman Japan Asia Investment Co., Ltd, (JAIC (8518)) from 2009 to 2012 after 23 years working experience with the company in private equity investment and fund management.

From 2002 Moriyoshi was an Executive Director and CIO of Private Equity Secondaries and Growth Capital Investment; he managed a series of JSPF funds from institutional investors and principal money of JAIC which aggregated to around $120 million over 10 years from 2002 to 2012. He delivered a 2.7 return through these 10 years. His investors included Development Bank of Japan, institutional investors such as insurance companies, and trust banking corporations. Moriyoshi played an integral role, as Executive Director and advisor, in achieving IPO’s of numerous companies like Istyle (3660), as well as M&A support through companies like Traffic Gate (Rakuten Linkshare more recently).

His investment experience also includes membership of DFJ-JAIC Technology Partners Investment Committee in USA, and CA-JAIC China Internet Investment Fund with CyberAgent. He was a member of the board of JVCA (Japan Venture Capital Association) till 2012 . He holds a CFA Japan and graduated from Keio University with a B.A. in law.
